Play to Reduce Plastic Use

kNOw PLASTICS is an 8-lesson experiential educational programme built around a memory game developed in 2018.

The curriculum teaches students about the different types of plastics, educating them about which plastics are better to avoid and which plastics are safer to use. The lesson materials integrate the latest scientific research on plastics and use innovative and fun learning tools that aim to empower children to become part of the solution to plastic pollution.

For students aged 6 to 10 years and
11 to 15 years.

Included Subjects: English and Science.

Available in English. 

The kNOw PLASTICS Programme Includes 

  • Eight interactive lessons 

  • The kNOw PLASTICS memory game
    and rules

  • Comprehensive lesson plans 

  • Teachers booklet 

  • Student handouts

Partner With Us

This curriculum is available on demand. If you are interested in receiving the kNOw PLASTICS programme and game to inspire your students, have a look at how to become our partner.


  • Each and every student made a promise of not using any plastics which are harmful to our environment and human body.

    Gov. Teacher P. Jayachitra

  • This programme is very effective and should be made available to all teachers. It is a great way students learn about plastics.

    Gov. Teacher K. Sridhar

  • The classes were lively and very much effective. I was really happy to work with this curriculum. My students and I got a new and great experience with the WasteLess team. I am personally very happy being part of eradicating plastics - something every human has to do.

    Gov. Teacher K. Santhosh Kumar



Sea Change


Pick it Up